Monday 27th November 2023 – 10:00am – 4:30pm
Full Cost: $7990
About Accredited – Provide cosmetic tattoo for Eyebrows SHBBCOS004
- 3 x full days of face-to-face training working on models 1:1 with trainers
- Work on models – a Minimum of six
- 4 x full additional days working independently on additional 6 models at our premises (trainers to assist)
- Free machine kit with Universal needle cartridges
- All equipment provided during training
- Online visual pre-learning tutorials and assessments included
- 4 x core Units, 1 x business Unit, and 1 prerequisite infection Control Units
- Start your pre-learning and preparation 3-4 weeks prior to your course start date.
- Once the remaining balance of your course is settled, you will receive access to the online tutorials.
- Please allocate time to practice! We have guided steps in the tutorials to assist you with this.
- Delivered by Founder & Educator, Talina Johnson and our team of qualified trainers